forums i found this in a pdf document.
Lets go to the procedure ,
1. Mobile with Gprs enabled
2. Data Cable or bluetooth
3. Airtel Sim (Prepaid) with "airtel live" activated
4. PC with Java or Jre must be installed.
Softwares U need:
1. Http Interceptor (download)(Serial_Key)
2. Your-freedom (download)
Sites u need to be Registered:
1. Your-freedom (Register) and Activate the account by email sent by them.
1.If you are using the Nokia mobile its Very simple see the below screen shots other wise u need to search for the Access point or APN to edit and type in APN(accesss point) while connecting to the airtel through dial up or packet data connection.
Follow the screen shots for nokia mobile users.
Step 1:
Click on settings on the Pc suite and u will get two options to choose.Their select manually and move to next.
Step 2:
Their u need to edit the Access point to " " and click finish.
Step 3:
Finally u will be connected to Airtel live at 460.8 kbps (or) 115 kbps.
From here u need software which is downloaded and installed in PC.
Follow the instructions with screen shots carefully.
Step 4: Install and Run the " Http Interceptor " software and follow the screen shots closely which is to be
In the above screen shot Check the options and make changes to User-Agent tag under interceptor tab if u want ,other wise use asusual which is shown above .
Step 5:
Edit the proxy and port address under Setup tab as shown above
Step 6:
Click Start button after checking the check boxes as shown above and check for the status to be active after clicking on start button. After finishing the above steps carefully dont' close the application.
1.Don't Close the application after Click on start button and minimize to Task bar.
2.First Run the Http Interceptor After Establishing connection to Airtel Live for every time you want to connect to internet.
From here u need another software to connect to the internet through Airtel .
Follow the instructions with screen shots carefully.
Step 7:
Open the the software Your-freedom client which is downloaded and installed in PC.
Click on configure to configure the server settings under status tab in your-freedom client software.
Step 8:
Fill all the fields and mark the check boxes which is shown above (i.e) address,port etc under the server connection tab.
Step 9:
Enter the Registered Username and Password in the Account information tab and select the language u want .
Step 10:
Fill the proxy address and proxy port which is shown in screen shot and follow exactly.Finally click save and exit button under Proxy Settings tab.
Step 11: After the completion of configure settings window go to Ports tab in you-freedom client
Their Click on both the check boxes (i.e) Sock port and web proxy port under Ports tab as shown above.
Step 12:
Here click on the check boxes that are going to be used (i.e) If u want to use Mozilla Firefox to browse internet mark on firefox otherwise u want to use IE (Internet Explorer) mark on IE.Then Click on ok button to apply settings.
Step 13:
After completion of all the above Steps successfully as shown , go to Status tab and click on Start connection button . In a few seconds u will be connected to internet and u will have server location,bytes sent,receiced information. Finally be sure to check the Door icon is open or not.This shows whether u are fully connected to internet or not .Thats the settings from your-freedom client .
Note: Be sure that the Htpp Interceptor is running and its status is active before Click on start connection button in Your-freedom
Does this works?
i dont thnk so
Just try and see the result .I am sure u will be connected to internet speed at 8-10 kbps because iam currently using this .Here u can connect to 23 different servers from various countries. Here we are not using the airtel internet,we are using the airtel network to connect to free internet servers (i.e) your-freedom client application.
did anone else tried?
Thanx for the post.. It works fine but the connection speed is slow as 10 Kbps.. Pls help me for fast connection
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